Top 10 Zelda Games

                  Ugh! I nearly died from Mr.Crabs' memes. Luckily, I escaped his claw. I used to be sooo into memes. But now, I am so into LOZ. By the way, Nintendo, why did you name it "The Legend of Zelda"?? Now people think Link is Zelda. Also, I made my own Google Classroom a month ago, here is my code: go6ei7  . One more thing before I start my list, visit, and

               10: Hyrule Warriors

              It is an amazing game with unique combat. It is a game of combos. You are trying to make all areas green. How do you make an area green? By killing all the the enemies in that area. There are a bunch of enemies coming at you. You need to kill every single enemy and boss before all areas turn red. It is hard not to die because of all the bosses and enemies. But, luckily you have teammates beside you. I would rate it 85/100. Did I mention that this game is coming to the switch??!
                                                        9: The Legend of Zelda

The original top-down perspective game was revolutionary. It introduced saving your game. You got to explore wherever you wanted to.  You needed to gather all the pieces of the Triforce by completing all of the dungeons. It is 89 1/2 out of 100
                                                   8: LOZ: A Link Between Worlds
Another top-down game. Again, dungeons, dungeons, and more dungeons. This is not Gravity Falls. It is a 3ds remake of "A Link to the Past". It is 90/100.

                                7: LOZ: Twilight Princess
A very dark Zelda game. This time it is not top down. It has motion controls. It is easily one of the best games ever. I wouldn't say it is for 7 year old kids or younger. It is very dark and deep. It has the worst item in any Zelda game. I really love this game! It is 93/100
                                                                6: LOZ: Skyward Sword
 This game focuses more on Zelda and Link's friendship. In this game Zelda and Link were childhood friends. But, Zelda is not a princess in this. Zelda gets captured and you need to save her. In Skyward Sword, there is this interesting bird creature that flies around. You get to ride it. It is 94 1/2 out of  100.

5: LOZ: Majora's Mask 

 It is amazing!  It is amazing!  It is amazing!  It is amazing! It is a 64 bit graphic masterpiece! It is an open world game. I think this game is darker than Twilight Princess! It is very hard. You collect masks and each mask gives you a special ability. You are given this time machine thingy that is called," The Ocarina of Time". You are trying to stop the moon from crashing into Earth in 3 days. That's right. 3 DAYS! Every time the moon crashes into Earth, you need to go back in time 3 days and start over. It is 96 1/2 out of 100.

4: LOZ: Wind Waker 

  The art style is great! The story is unexpected and great. The open world and exploration is great. The game is great. Waluigi is great! My tiredness is great. Everything is great, so lets move on!!

It is 9/10, too much water. JK! It is 97/100. But seriously, too much water.

3: LOZ: A Link to the Past

It is basically A Link Between Worlds, but is pixelated, harder, and has a better story. It is 97 1/2 out of 100.

2: LOZ: Ocarina of time
1: LOZ: Breath of the Wild

The last two games were so amazing, I couldn't speak. Hope you enjoyed the list. 




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